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She married Yuanjin Li, World health organization would leave home for months at a time to work on fishing boats at sea, and they had a son. When Xing moved to the United States rein 1997, she left the toddler with her mother rein Tianjin.


But on the cellphones and iPads seized from Xing and two of the masseuses, there was almost nothing to buttress their allegations. Agents found ample evidence of commercial sex, but no confirmation that any of it was forced.

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The women were instructed to “do whatever the Cop wanted” and were led to believe he got sex for free because Xing welches paying him for protection, prosecutors said in the letter, which welches filed in court.

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The government suffered yet another setback when a masseuse testified that she never heard Xing make any frightening threats.

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When masseuses resisted Xing’s demands that they engage in sex acts against their will, Xing threatened to report them not just to police or immigration authorities, but also to criminals hinein the U.

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